Self Healing, Self Knowing is your birth right. For to long humans have been kept from the knowledge of how powerful they truly are. Loving your body, treating yourself with kindness, and respect, is part of claiming your power back.
By having a strong connection to your Soul Self and Higher Self, you will be shown who you are, what your body needs, what your heart longs for, and how to achieve your passions. Living in Harmony within yourself, makes you yearn for Harmony without, creating Unity within yourself, and living in Unity with others.
Our new age of Aquarius is about flowing side by side, while living in our own power. Welcome
Online Courses
Protect, ground, and clean your physical, energetic, and emotional bodies.
Learn how to connect to your Soul Self, and Higher Self.
Read and Heal your Chakras, and Energy Fields.
Meet your Spirit Guides, your spiritual family.
4 Week Course
4 weekly 90 minutes teaching sessions
Home Practice 15 to 30 mins per day
4 Q & A sessions which are held mid week for 60 minutes
30 mins Private Channeling Session ( Book separate with me )
If you are in your beginning stages of awakening, I recommend you taking the Channeling Course before booking The Akashic Records Course.
The Akashic Records is a library of memories, a bit like the cloud on your computer. The records hold your past, present and possible future memories. This is a really good place to transcend traumas, wounds, that affect your everyday life.
How To Read The Akashic Records.
Part 1
Read your Akashic Records
Read the Akashic Records for other people.
Read public places, like parks, houses for sale or rent, companies who offer jobs, and so much more.
3 Week Course
3 weekly teaching sessions for 90 minutes
3 Q & A mid week sessions for 60 minutes
30 minutes Akashic Records Private Session ( Book through me )
Transcending stories, trauma, wounds, in the records, is a gift. This living network of energy holds you outside the pain of your situation, giving you the gift of having a different perspective. Not only are you healing yourself, you are holding space for those around to heal too.
Part 2
TellingYour Story
Causes and Conditions
Soul Level Truth
4 Week Course
4 weekly teaching sessions for 90 minutes
4 Q & A midweek sessions for 60 mins
30 minutes Akashic Records private session (book through me)